The Full Story
Grand opening
april 13th
Kl. 11
Dan arnløv
åbner kunstkompas
1. viceborgmester og formand for Kultur- og Idrætsudvalget, kommer og indvier Kunstkompas.
Make your own acryllic pour paint picture
Let us show you how to make your own pour paint picture!
There will be cake
It¨s a birthday...
origami pots
They’re biodegradable. They’re thrifty. They are sustainable.
Newspaper makes a wonderful material for seedling pots because the paper biodegrades and turns into compost in your garden. One of the big advantages of using a biodegradable pot is that you don’t have to disturb the root system of your plants by removing them from their pots before planting them in the ground. Instead, plant everything in the ground, plants, pots, and all! Not only is it easier, but it’s less traumatic to your plants.
Say hi
We look forward to saying hello to you! Both teachers and board members are happy to tell you about everything we will offer!